This was a really great day to put this block together. My sewing room is all windows (it used to be a balcony/porch), the weather was warm, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. It was like being outside, but without the bugs. (Don't fret, I did spend some time outside sewing binding and knitting. I can only take so much of the bugs.)
I liked the bright, Spring-y colors. Tina, your daughter is going to love her quilt. =]
I have to say I am pretty proud of myself because I used almost all the fabric Tina sent me :) The scraps in the corner was all that was left and it is slightly bigger then twelve inches! It was really nice being able to work with pink for a change. Thanks Tina for this opportunity. To see more block click here.
Once I got over the initial urge to take that little kerchief girl square for myself (too cute!), I sat down and got started on this block. It was completely improvised at the sewing machine, just cutting and sewing layer by layer, and I really love the way it looks.I used some really skinny strips, which I think is becoming a signature of mine, and I tried to include some little suprises. It ended up being just over 12.5 inches, but can easily be trimmed down or added to if need be. Enjoy, Tina! Headed your way on Monday.
Making wonky little houses and trees makes me happy so I was looking forward to making these blocks.
I first made this purple house. I saw Kris likes purple and so do I. Every girl should live in a house painted her favorite color. A fat, little gray kitty is poking his head through the striped curtains. The curtain fabric is from a pair of capri pants I loved, but Dirty said looked like curtains. Now they are. This is the only one I could get to 12.5".
Next was this little wonky building. I imagine it as the local fabric shop. I hope it is bright and mellow enough. I am a little iffy on the mellow part of it.
It needs a little greenscape so there are two trees, too. The one on the left reminds me of a little kid's drawing. The right one is good for having a picnic under on a warm summer day. =]